Activity History



Activity report (~end of 2023)

Nov. 26-27, 2023 Lecture @ Shimane Univ. IEEE Hiroshima 25th.
Nov. 15-24, 2023
Chaired IECSC86C @ Milan, Italy
Oct. 9, 2023 Attended IGF2023, Kyoto, Session #104 Bridging Connectivity Gaps, and presents an impactful solution with ATR
Aug. 26, 2023 
Attended TICAD 30th Anniversary Event  
Aug. 6-11, 2023  GP visited the Telecom Authority of South Sudan to discuss possible deployment of the Solution BIRD into the River Nile.
Jun. 26, 2023 Talked at the 25th EACO congress, Bujumbura, Burundi
Jun. 08, 2023 Talked at Nihon Univ. Industrial Technol. (CIT),
Jun. 06 2023  Talked at OITDA Standards General Assembly 
Mar. 23 2023
, ITU Sec. Gen. received  IEEE President’s Award for making the commitment to close the digital divide globally(@1’33”)
Mar. 20, 2023  “New Normal: Seniors Venturing into the World Solo” published.

Mar. 12, 2023 The Project Team Solution BIRD is about to begin the first step of cable laying from Everest Base Camp; the peak is Mt. Everest.

Mar. 10, 2023 Mr. Everest base camp Project is ongoing with each cable drum already carried into each designated point.

Feb. 27-Mar. 2, 2023, Global Plan exhibited at the  Japan Pavilion @ Mobile World Congress, Barcelona. See below; the Poster exhibited at MWC 2023

See more; Connect2Recover Initiative

Feb. 07, 2023, GP submitted a proposal to WSIS 2023 open consultation process for WSIS2023  to play a key role to meet the harmonized voices of the new ITU Secretary General, and the three Directors.
→  Secretary General; “connect the unconnected

  TSB Director; “happy to work together in the future to connect the unconnected
OCT. 28-Nov. 6, 2022,
Mr. Okamura chaired IEC/SC86C, San Francisco.
ept. 20, 2022, The PJ BIRD HANDOVER ceremony at Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

Aug. 22, 2022, GP became an exhibitor at TICAD 8
May 30, 2022, WSIS session, NW Innovation to Connect Remote Communities.
April 23, 2022,
GP’s PJ BIRD was selected as a WSIS 2022 prize champion.
April 20, 2022,
GP organized WSIS session 222. “connecting 2.9 Billion people” p97-99 of the Outcome Document of WSIS 2022.

Jan. 27, 2022, Solution BIRD presented at Saudi Japan ICT Workshop
Oct. 27, 2021,
Chaired the IEC SC86C Plenary meeting, on line.
Oct. 20, 2021,
Received the METI Minister’s Award, Japan
July 29, 2021,
ITU-T L.1700,  L.110 & L.163, edited by Okamura are “most popular & useful” for rural connectivity” ; see page 10/106
June 17, 2021,
B3W (G7) to invest >US$100 B to developing counties infra.
May 21, 2021,
WSIS Stock Taking Session, Session Recording @1H 08Min.
Feb. 3, 2021
, WSIS 2021 Interview

(1) Globally Deploy the Solution BIRD*
    *Broadband Infrastructure for Rural-Area Digitalization

Digital Divide Today
Feb. 18, 2021, The Pandemic emphasized the digital divide  (UNDP)
– Nov. 30, 2020,
How much longer can we tolerate the gap (ITU Sec. Gen.)
– Sept. 23, 2020,
Bridging digital divide achieves the SDGs (UN Sec. Gen.)

– Sept. 17, 2020 US$ 428 B to connect 3 B people to the Internet by 2030 (ITU)
– Aug. 23, 2020, Biden’s 3 big ideas to close the digital divide
– July, 17, 2020, WSIS2020 Session 388 discussing key highlights of WSIS2020 see@26min.05sec.
– Jul. 8, 2020
WSIS2020, Session 267 Bridging the digital divide: how ITU-T standards enable installation of optical fibre cable in remote areas

– Jun. 11, 2020, digital divide is a Matter of Life and Death (UN Sec. General)
– Mar. 2020, Pandemic changing the perception of the digital divide
– Dec. 2019, 46% of the global population is not using the Internet (ITU).

– Dec. 2019, 5G is WIRED Wireless (CEO of US Telecom) 

About the Solution BIRD
“BIRD” is the Global Plan’s extremely cost-effective, all-terrain optical-cable solution that is contributing to global sustainability and equality. It is built on the three new ITU-T Recommendations developed under the editorship of H. Okamura, that expressly target closure of the digital divide ;

①affordability-first concept with sustainability, upgradability, and scalability (L.1700), and see ITU-T News on L.1700
②lightweight, robust optical cable for all-terrain application (L.110), see ITU news on L.110, and
③do-it-yourself (DIY) cable installation surface to underground to air to water (L.163), and see ITU News on L.163
see more

Closing the digital divide (not-for-profit)
BIRD enables now unconnected rural communities to access education, healthcare, financial services, and new opportunities for strengthening businesses, and suppressing pandemics. BIRD also helps advanced countries learn from distant cultures, which have preserved the values, traditions, and knowledge now forgotten by many modern societies. BIRD contributes to achieving many of the SDGs.

BIRD was installed to support a mountain village in West Nepal. An L.110-compatible lightweight robust optical cable was installed across an unexplored jungle to reach mountain village in 2019 with the help of the local community in a DIY manner as seen in the photo below.

Using online businesses to affordably, sustainably close the digital divide
Even in the remotest areas with the barrier of difficult terrain and environment, BIRD makes on-line business practicable such as Remote-Tourism, Remote-Agriculture, Remote-Forestry, Remote-Grazing, and Remote-Mining, where Video Cameras, Drones, Vehicles, Excavators, etc. are controlled online, to realize healthy/safe labor, low-carbon emission, nature conservation, pandemic suppression, and speed/cost savings.

Profitable remote online businesses are encouraged to support connecting the unconnected communities on the cable route and, to provide broadband e-services thus bridging the digital divide and achieving many of the SDGs in a cost-effective and DIY manner.

Plans of the Solution BIRD
2020-2021 Remote on-line business+ Rural development with ICT in Africa
2018-2021 Installation of a BIRD solution to the Mt. Everest Base-Camp (see below)

History of the Solution BIRD
Up to 2020, the feasibility of BIRD in Nepal & Mongolia
– 2019 Sept.
ITU Telecom(Budapest) 2019 →YouTube@ 6’49”

2019 April, “Solution BIRD may stop the Pandemics” YouTube @3’26.
2018, Sept., ITU Telecom 2018 (South Africa)click the picture
2016-2018, ITU Recommendations published→ see L.1700, L.110,  L.163

Photo Report of Recent Activities

日本語 Français Español عربى

Nov. 08, 2019 Okamura gave a lecture at Nihon University, College of Production Technol.
Sept. 12, 2019, ITU Telecom World 2019 @ smart ABC Pavilion, Okamura with ITU Sec. General and TSB Director

Mar. 18, 2019: ITU-D SG1(Geneve)Optical Cable Solution meeting ITU-T Recs L.1700, L.110, and L.163 presented
Mar. 8-10, 2019 IEC SC86C WGs 1, 2, 3, and 4 @ San Diego, the USA, chaired by Okamura
Mar. 6-7, 2019 ITA Show Case North West USA, Portland; presented the ITU Solution.
Nov. 21 2018, Nepal Investment Seminar @ UN univ., Tokyo attended by Nepal Minister Foreign Affairs & Nepal Ambassador
Oct. 9-19, 2018: ITU-T SG15(Geneve)the DSA Cable Installation Recommendation L.163 consented, Oct. 19th, 2018.
Sept. 11, 2018, The panel discussion on Smart Cities at ITU Telecom World 2018 (Durban, South Africa)
June 14, 2018, Mt. Norikura
Dec. 14,  2017, Mt. Everest, Thamserku and Amadablam from Kongde Hotel(4200m)
Nov. 07, 2016, TTC seminer「ICT to support Smart Society」
Oct. 13, 2016, IEC TC111: Environmentally conscious design of goods and services (Frankfurt)
Oct. 13, 2016, IEC TC86 Plenary meeting (Frankfurt)
Sept. 20-24, 2016 ITU-T SG15 Geneve agreement on the proposed innovative optical cable L.110 foreseen
Sept. 17, 2016, Teikyo University, Medicine Clinical Research Center “Courage and Ways to Enjoy Good Work”
July, 13, 2016   TICAD world bank seminar Tokyo
July 5-7, 2016 IEC/ISO Joint meeting Environmentally Conscious Design, Helsinki, Finland
June 4, 2016 Agreed to install a 20-km optical cable at 80km east of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
May 9, 2016, Lecture at Kyusyu Industrial University: To globally expand your workplace
April 20, 2016 ITU-T SG5 (Environment and Climate Change) KL, Malaysia
April 8, 2016 Joy of work promotion association. Lecture by Dr. Yoshda a Deming Master, Competitiveness Enhancement
March 17-19, 2016 IEC SC86C WG3 Dynamic module, Optical Amplifire, Optical Systems @ San Luis Obispo, Ca. USA
Feb. 16, 2016, ITU-T SG15 Q16 Support by OFS( US) expressed for L.110 cable direct surface application (Geneve)
Dec. 20, 2015, Urranbbaator Mongolia -31 degrees C in the morning,
Dec. 7, 2015, Inside the Imperial Palace (open day)
Dec. 4, 2015 IECTC86 Japanese Mirror Committee (Tokyo)
Nov. 18, 2015 IECTC111/ISOTC207 Joint meeting for Environmental Conscious Design standards, Kista, Sweden
Oct. 5-8, 2015, IECTC86 Presentation session(Gwandjyu, Korea), Okamura reported TC111 updates.
Sept. 22-23, 2015 12th Asia-Pacific Telecommunication & ICT Development Forum, invited, Bangkok, Thailand
July 8-10, 2015 IEC-ISO Joint WG, Environmentally Conscious Design, Brussels Belgium
June 24-26, 2015, ITU-TSG15/Q16 (Geneva)
The agreement was reached to develop ITU-T L.110 for direct surface application proposed by Global Plan Inc.
June 8, 2015 ITU-TSG5 Q14WP3 to discuss L.1700, Sophia Antipolice, France.
April 27, 2015 Capacity building toward working Globally, Kyusyu Inst. Technol.
April, 17 2015 Joy of Work Seminar
Feb. 11-12, 2015 IECTC111 Material Efficiency Standards Group (Bruxelles, Belgium) 
Jan. 26, 2015 BOP Inclusive business seminar, UN University, Tokyo